What In The Hell Are We Doing?
Mad scientists everywhere are endangering Homo Sapiens in ways that can only be described as *existential*
There is a remarkable document from 1943.
It’s from the scientists proposing to split the atom for the very first time:
The document’s introduction states the following:
“The detonation of a fission or thermonuclear bomb would produce a high temperature which will stimulate the reaction of atomic nuclei in the air with each other”.
“If an ignition point exists and is surpassed, the thermonuclear reaction may be propagated to all parts of the atmosphere”.
What they were saying, in their matter-of-fact way, was this.
In classic mad scientist fashion, they then did some mad calculations
But along the way they admitted some terrifying uncertainties about their theories:
“There are disquieting features about the safety factor…”
“On a first evaluation of the danger of igniting the atmosphere one can assume…”
“Because of the uncertainties of the knowledge of these processes…”
“It seems desirable to obtain better experimental knowledge…”
“The assumptions made here thus far may lead to an underestimate of the danger…”
In the end they “estimated” that the chances of igniting the atmosphere were 3 in 1 million.
From splitting the atom to splitting the genome
We don’t think very many people have realised yet what today’s crop of mad scientists have done with the experimental Covid injections.
Otherwise Dr. Fauci (and places like the new government- funded mRNA factory in Clayton, VICTORIA) would be besieged by crowds that look like this:
There are so many misconceptions floating around this subject that we need to start with the basics.
(Note to all deniers, professional haters, censors, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Julie Inman-Grant, and any other Communists: sorry, this information is straight from the National Institutes of Health).
“An mRNA vaccine comprises synthetic mRNA molecules coded with the sequence of immunogen, that direct the cell machine, ribosomes, to produce vaccine protein antigens and generate an immune response”.
There are two key points to understand here:
The protein being produced is synthetic; and
They are supposed to be giving genetic instructions to the ribosomes, NOT to the nucleus.
Point #1.
We’re all familiar with the idea of a vaccine, where they take a little snip of a virus, expose you to it, and your body then produces antibodies.
We’ve even seen the diagrams of the Covid virus with the little spike proteins sticking out of it.
So they took a snip of the Covid spike protein and made the vaccine from it, right?
Uh, nope.
There are two terms used in the biolab research literature, the first is “in vivo”.
This means there were living cells (cell cultures, rats, humans etc.) involved at some stage.
But there’s another term they’ve come up with in recent years: “in silico”.
This means the experiment or product was created in silicon.
IOW: in a computer.
The spike protein instructions in the mRNA Covid injections were produced in silico.
Mother Nature was never consulted on the matter.
For millennia, our ribosomes have expressed (created) all of the HUMAN proteins required for us to eat, sleep, move, digest, fight disease, make love, all of it.
In the mRNA experiment, a computer created the instructions that tell your cells to manufacture a non-human protein.
What could possibly go wrong?
Point #2.
For this one we will go back to Year 8 biology class.
You’ll recall that cells multiply by splitting in two, in a process called “mitosis”:
(For us that sentence brought back images of our Year 8 biology teacher Ms. Fleming, whom we had a mad crush on).
Every cell knows who it is and what to do because of the DNA instructions in the nucleus.
But what if every newly-created cell somehow gets passed the instructions to create the toxic, non-human spike protein?
Dammit. It looks like that might be what is happening.
From Dr. Katrin Burkhardt in Germany:
Recall that we were ASSURED that the Covid injections involved solely mRNA (and the ribosomes), and DEFINITELY NOT DNA (and the nucleus):
Somebody Please Stop Them Before They Try To Split Anything Else
Having split the atom and the genome, now these psychopaths in white lab coats want to split the Earth’s atmosphere.
There are way too many mad evil scientists working for the WEF gangster mob. They are also already using GMO's and even putting it in baby formula. Nature worked wonders for millions of years until men when balistic and wanted to control thing for money. But instead of blaming all the chemicals they put on the planet they are covering it up by blaming climate change. Yes Geoengineering the weather.
Climate change is one of the worst and stupidest things that people believe in. It’s been bandied around for about 3 decades I think. It’s going to be the hardest thing for all people who believe in it, to get them to STOP believing in it. There are so many aspects in relation to it.
Also, so many people still believe in covid. The lie was so big, it was almost impossible to believe some aspect of it. I know I did-until the “vaccines” came out too quickly.
Will people believe in another pandemic? Maybe a “climate change” pandemic, so we’ll all have to stay home again, because there’s too much carbon! What a dumb thing to say, but people believe there’s too much carbon, or too much CO2, and it’s causing all these weather extremes. As you say, Koala Power, it’s being done by geoengineering. And I’ve seen stuff to the effect that Dane Wigington of geoengineeringwatch.org is actually controlled opposition, or generally not the nice guy he appears to be.
Karl Sagan, wow-he knew. He knew that if people aren’t aware of what’s going on in science, the gov’ts will control the people, but we should control the gov’ts! They work for us! When are people of Australia and the world going to wake up, and tell the gov’ts where to go. And if they don’t pull their heads in, the people will rip them off!
I know it’s much much more than gov’ts, but we’ve got to focus somewhere.
I say we should flood the councils/shires/counties etc, make our presence known-THEY are the ones who will implement these 15 minute cities/prisons/smart cities. The UK knows a lot about this.
We haven’t got much time, and those at the top, trickling down amongst the people know it!! We’ve got to move it, move it………