Ac / oh they haven’t finished with us yet you will probably see albo head over to his masters to see what he has to do next but remember Dutton is no better

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No doubt, next up is biometric Digital ID, the ACMA Ministry of Truth legislation, and CBDC. They threw everything at us with this racialism nonsense, though, and people were not having it. And the Obama program is falling apart everywhere now so the clown puppet government here won't have the first clue what to do next.

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'And I'm voting Yes, along with CommBank, Pfizer & the Government,----'.

U.S, SecuriTies & Exchanges Commission Registrations as U. S.of America Corporates;

COMMONWEALTH Bank of Australia CIK ; 0000008565. Pfizer (amongst Many Registrations) CIK 0001776087. COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA (Fed Govt) CIK; 0000805157. TELSTRA CORP LTD (of Many) CIK 0001046126. Which 'FORIEGN Groups' , 'Set Up' & were ONBOARD the 'Vote', 'CARRY THRU'? - 'MATCHING' The CONVID Global Swindle! Wait a moment, I recognise the Same 'BeJewelled' Paws on All! (Must be Inner City CON-TROLLers- Gnomes of Zurich, & their PROPER VatiCan't Guards)- LOL!

Meanwhile in CAN'TBERRA, Prime Minstrel Mr A. ForeverBendDaKneeSee, breaks free from His TRANSparency Redacted office, & furthers his knowledge & List of Foreign CONmittments, by PERSONALLY having to travel afar to Collect his Neo Submissive Listings of Local Repression & 'Coup de Grace' on the CONVID Middle Classes Economy, For THE 'Handlers'!

Footnote; There is NO 'Opposition Parties' in OZtopia. There are 1 Govt of 2 Major Parties Plus 2 'Half Parties'. Folks wanting a genuine appraisal of OZtopian Govt operations, need only brush up on their Political references via Reruns of 'Yes Minister' & 'Yes Prime Minister'. I've been reliably informed, that these ARE in fact, An OZtopian Documentary!


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